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Primary Maths in Action Pupil Book Level D Book
The "Pupil Book" offers structured and comprehensive examples to reinforce the teaching in the teacher's units and provides consolidation and practice of key concepts. A 'Looking Back' section is included to revise work from previous Levels, ensuring a thorough understanding of concepts. Differentiated exercises help to consolidate work and provide further challenge for more confident pupils. 'Challenges' and 'Investigations' widen the coverage of Problem-solving and Enquiry.Read More
from£24.28 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.80
- 0748777067
- 9780748777068
- Edward C K Mullan
- 17 November 2003
- Nelson Thornes
- Paperback (Book)
- 240
- New edition
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