Principles of Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to Care for Children (Norton Professional Books) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Principles of Attachment-Focused Parenting: Effective Strategies to Care for Children (Norton Professional Books) Book

HardCover. Pub Date: 2009 Pages: 272 Publisher: WW Norton & Co. to Attachment Security and Affect regulation have long been buzzwords in therapy circles but the intensive with rarely for are they applied to Basic parenting SKILLS This title ings attachment work inside the THERAPY room to the outside. equipping caregivers with practical parenting techniques rooted in attachment theory and research.Read More

from£23.00 | RRP: £20.00
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  • Foyles

    Attachment security and affect regulation have long been buzzwords in therapy circles, but many of these ideas—so integral to successful therapeutic work with kids and adolescents— have yet to be effectively translated to parenting practice itself. Moreover, as neuroscience reveals how the human brain is designed to work in good relationships, and how such relationships are central to healthy human development, the practical implications for the parent-child attachment relationship become even more apparent. Here, a leading attachment specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience brings the rich and comprehensive field of attachment theory and research from inside the therapy room to the outside, equipping therapists and caregivers with practical parenting skills and techniques rooted in proven therapeutic principles. A guide for all parents and a resource for all mental health clinicians and parent-educators who are searching for ways to effectively love, discipline, and communicate with children, this book presents the techniques and practices that are fundamental to optimal child development and family functioning—how to set limits, provide guidance, and manage the responsibilities and difficulties of daily life, while at the same time communicating safety, fun, joy, and love. Filled with valuable clinical vignettes and sample dialogues, Hughes shows how attachment-focused research can guide all those who care for children in their efforts to better raise them.

  • Blackwell

    An expert clinician brings attachment theory into the realm of parenting skills. Attachment security and affect regulation have long been buzzwords in therapy circles, but many of these ideas-so integral to successful therapeutic work with kids...

  • BookDepository

    Attachment-Focused Parenting : Hardback : WW Norton & Co : 9780393705553 : 0393705552 : 23 May 2011 : An expert clinician brings attachment theory into the realm of parenting skills.

  • 0393705552
  • 9780393705553
  • Daniel A Hughes
  • 17 April 2009
  • W. W. Norton & Co.
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 216
  • 1
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