Principles of Information Systems: A Managerial Approach [With CDROM] Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Principles of Information Systems: A Managerial Approach [With CDROM] Book

Built on the successful framework of previous editions, the eagerly anticipated eighth edition of Principles of Information Systems has been heavily revised and reorganized and now offers a streamlined text that covers the most up-to-date and relevant topics of information technology. The overall vision, framework, and pedagogy that made the previous editions so popular has been retained, making this a highly comprehensive IS text. Accomplished authors Ralph Stair and George Reynolds continue to expose their readers to clear learning objectives that are reinforced by timely, real-world business examples and hands-on activities. Regardless of their major, students can use this book to understand and practice fundamental IS principles so that they can function more efficiently and effectively as workers, managers, decision makers, and organizational leaders.Read More

from£41.44 | RRP: £105.07
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.86
  • 1423901150
  • 9781423901150
  • Ralph M., Jr. Stair, George Walter Reynolds
  • 15 January 2007
  • Course Technology
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 652
  • 8 Har/Cdr/
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