Professional Java E-commerce (Programmer to programmer) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Professional Java E-commerce (Programmer to programmer) Book

Pity the poor wannabe Java programmer. For a "simpler" programming language it generates huge books and Professional Java E-commerce is another. But when it takes 14 pages to define e-commerce you know a low information density helped it to 1,000 pages. Much of Professional Java E-commerce discusses management and business rather than programming, despite its programmer-friendly subtitle: J2EE, XML, XSLT, JSP, EJB, JMS, Security, B2C, B2B, M-Commerce. The dichotomy is neatly illustrated in the security section (page 216) where the authors suggest some customers won't trust a downloaded Java 1.1 applet regardless of who certifies it. They recommend providing alternative HTML pages for greater customer confidence. Hardly a Java solution. The authors describe almost every possible Net and mobile business type, process and opportunity. They point you at useful software solutions and occasionally throw in a bit of Java. But with Java programming playing second fiddle to business issues and prebuilt solutions it's unclear who this book is for. Professional Java E-commerce is really two books. One is about business approaches to e-commerce with an overview of current best practice while the other is about implementing these practices--sometimes in Java. Despite the high production values the sum of Professional Java E-commerce is less than its parts. --Steve PatientRead More

from£31.03 | RRP: £22.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £45.53
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