A no-nonsense, gimmick-free approach to weight control which exposes the flaws in many current diet fads and quick-fix solutions. The author aims to provide the "intelligent woman's lifetime approach" to weight management, as opposed to a magazine-style "diet of the week". The medically-based weight control programme specially written for women has been developed by obesity and lifestyle expert Dr Garry Egger, originator of the GutBuster programme for men and author of "Trim for Life". The book provides over 200 easy-to-follow recommendations and tips to assist women with weight loss, covering subjects that are very specific to women's health and wellbeing: body image (the hype versus the reality), emotional issues of anxiety, depression and low self-esteem, hormones and basic biology,
… read more...and the latest news on nutrition and keeping the weight off. With advice on monitoring exercise performance, reducing energy density in food (rather than fat or carbohydrate content), and learning how to manage stress-related "binge eating", this is a very practical book which provides women with the tools and support to create an effective lifestyle plan and enable them to successfully manage their weight.Read More read less...