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Project Superpowers Hardcover Book
From the dawn of the 20th Century came a new chapter in mankind's history, unleashed during a time of great war and destruction. It was the beginning of the Age of the Superpowers, yet with the closing of the Second World War, this new spark seemingly flickered and died. Now, the story can be told of the great lost Superpowers - men and women with incredible abilities who changed the course of mankind forever, and who had been thought lost...until now... Showcasing the work of Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, Stephen Sadowski, Doug Klauba, and Carlos Paul, this hardcover collects the first story arc (issues #0-7), and features behind-the-scenes sketches, character designs, and a complete cover gallery by Alex Ross, Michael Turner, and more!Read More
from£20.15 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £17.15
- 1933305916
- 9781933305912
- Alex Ross, Jim Krueger
- 3 December 2008
- Dynamite Entertainment
- Hardcover (Book)
- 263
- illustrated edition
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