Project X: Alien Adventures: Lilac:In the Sky Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Project X: Alien Adventures: Lilac:In the Sky Book

The first two stories are wordless and complement Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds. Max's Box is a retelling of the story of how Max finds a silver box - a discovery that will change his life forever. Inside the box are four watches that allow the wearer to shrink. In In the Sky Max and Ant are camping in the garden when they see something strange in the sky little do they know that Nok the alien has just crash-landed on Earth. The further four books follow Letters and Sounds Phase 2, sets 1 and 2. In Splat! Cat and Tiger build a snowman in the park - if you look carefully, you may be able to spot a micro-alien in the story building his own Nokman! One rainy day, Max decides to build himself a rocket using cardboard and plastic bottles Find out what happens in Max's Rocket. In The Fishing read more...
from£4.00 | RRP: £3.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.12
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