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Protecting People and Buildings from Terrorism: Technology Transfer for Blast-Effects Mitigation Book
Concerned with the vulnerability of U.S. civilian and military personnel to terrorist bombing attacks, the U.S. Congress directed the Department of Defense to undertake a comprehensive research and testing program aimed at protecting people in buildings from such attacks. The Blast Mitigation for Structures Program (BMSP) was initiated in 1997 and has produced a large volume of experimental and analytical data that will permit the design of new, more robust buildings as well as the development of methods to retrofit a large number of vulnerable existing structures. This report reviews the BMSP program and investigates a process that would use existing institutional infrastructures (i.e., building code and standards-writing organizations, professional and technical organizations, universities, and research centers) to disseminate knowledge.Read More
from£43.20 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £40.03
- 0309082862
- 9780309082860
- Committee for Oversight and Assessment of Blast-effects and Related Research, National Research Council
- 31 December 2001
- National Academies Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 98
- Pap/Cdr
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