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Puppy Tales (McGrowl) Book
McGrowl and his favorite doggy companion, Miss Pooch, have puppies! Thomas and Violet are thrilled with the adorable new playmates. But will McGrowl's cuddly offspring inherit their dad's incredible bionic powers--or their mom's predilection for naughtiness?! Meanwhile, the diabolical Smudge and Bunting have been suspiciously silent. Are they taking a break from their relentless pursuit of McGrowl, or might they be biding their time, preparing for their sneakiest and most wicked plan ever? Thomas and McGrowl have to be prepared for anything!Read More
from£5.72 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.09
- 0439434599
- 9780439434591
- Bob Balaban
- 1 February 2005
- Scholastic Paperbacks
- Mass Market Paperback (Book)
- 176
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