Python Crash Course, 3Rd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Python Crash Course, 3Rd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming Book

Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition : Paperback : No Starch Press,US : 9781718502703 : 1718502702 : 12 Jan 2023 : Python Crash Course is the worldâ??s bestselling programming book, with over 1,500,000 copies sold to date! Python Crash Course is the worldâ??s best-selling guide to the Python programming language. This fast-paced, thorough introduction will have you writing programs, solving problems, and developing functioning applications in no time. Youâ??ll start by learning basic programming concepts, such as variables, lists, classes, and loops, and practice writing clean code with exercises for each topic. ...Read More

from£31.81 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £38.51
  • Foyles

    Since its initial debut in 2015, this critically acclaimed quick-start guide to programming has taught millions of people all over the world to write clean code, solve problems, and build custom applications in the popular language of Python. The highly anticipated third edition of Python Crash Course has been completely revised with updated code, practices, and projects-making it the ultimate launchpad for beginners to start their engines and code in Python 3!

  • 1718502702
  • 9781718502703
  • , Eric
  • 12 January 2023
  • No Starch Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 544
  • 3
  • Book
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