QBase Anaesthesia: Volume 6, MCQ Companion to Fundamentals of Anaesthesia: MCQ Companion to Fundamentals of Anaesthesia v. 6 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

QBase Anaesthesia: Volume 6, MCQ Companion to Fundamentals of Anaesthesia: MCQ Companion to Fundamentals of Anaesthesia v. 6 Book

This volume has been written by the editors of Fundamentals of Anaesthesia: 2nd Edition and The Clinical Anaesthesia Viva Book, two best-selling GMM titles for trainee anaesthetists. As well as the usual QBase features that allow candidates to...Read More

from£48.03 | RRP: £35.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.94
  • Product Description

    Another title in GMM's highly successful QBase series, this time focusing on the Primary FRCA (Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) with sets of examination papers the candidate can use to revise and practice their MCQ technique. As always, the self-learning experience is greatly enhanced by the free CD-ROM containing the QBase examination software. This powerful program allows the user to sit the pre-set exams as printed in the book, or to create their own exams using questions drawn from the total pool available on the CD-ROM. The program can either generate these exams randomly (maintaining the same proportions of each subject as the 'pre-set' exams), or the user can select any number of questions in any subject area, to create their very own exam. However the user chooses to set an exam, they can then mark, analyse and store each attempt, and review and re-sit the same exam at a later date, comparing their scores with previous attempts. When re-sitting an exam, the user can also choose to 'shuffle' the question stems A-E, so that they cannot simply remember patterns of true and false answers. A final unique aspect of the program is that it allows the user to select how confident they are of their answer, and the program can then provide feedback on a user's 'guessing strategy'.

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