Raising the Peaceable Kingdom: What Animals Can Teach Us about the Social Origins of Tolerance and Friendship Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Raising the Peaceable Kingdom: What Animals Can Teach Us about the Social Origins of Tolerance and Friendship Book

â??I did not want to fail, because the stakes were too high. After all, I was after nothing less than the secret of human harmony.â? The challenge that bestselling author Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson set for himself was formidable: to create a true interspecies peaceable kingdom within his own household. He hoped to learn if several different speciesâ??some, natural enemiesâ??raised together from an early age could live peacefully side by side. So he took into his home seven young animalsâ??a kitten, a rabbit, two rats, two chickens, and a puppyâ??and set about observing the whole process of socialization (or non-socialization) from the very beginning.The initial results were mixed. Tamaiti, the kitten, made herself instantly comfortable, but Hohepa, the Flemish giant rabbit, remained read more...
from£23.23 | RRP: £15.56
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