Rebirth: Political History of Europe Since World War II Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Rebirth: Political History of Europe Since World War II Book

This textbook examines from the perspective of the historic events of the 1990s the transition of Europe from a period of crisis to an era of political confidence and economic strength.Read More

from£61.99 | RRP: £32.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.67
  • Product Description

    Rebirth: A History of Europe Since World War II examines the transition of Europe from a period of crisis to an era of political confidence and economic strength. As the title suggests, the pervasive theme of the book is that of rebirth. The most recent decades are set in the context of modern European history as a whole. The authors trace the disillusionment and uncertainty that overcame Europe at the turn of the twentieth century and that culminated in the devastation of the Second World War. In their analysis of the political and economic causes of the renaissance that has followed the demise of the Cold War, the authors highlight the themes of national integration and economic modernization. Rebirth is designed as a text for use in courses on modern European history - especially twentieth-century Europe - and for students of comparative politics who are seeking a substantial consideration of the historical factors of European politics. In this revised edition, the authors have updated the text with an analysis of developments since 1991 and added recent scholarship to the lists of Suggested Readings.

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