Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi discover themselves working on two sides of the same case when a set of double homicides rocks downtown Manhattan. A bloody warning scrawled on the wall above a murdered elderly couple sends the Jewish community reeling into a tension-filled confrontation with the city's Arab population. In neighboring Brooklyn, a 16-year-old Arab runaway seeks refuge in Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen, where she becomes caught up in an ugly world of prostitution and drugs. After murderously defending herself against a malicious pimp, she escapes to a woman's shelter on the Lower East Side, into the helping hands of Marlene. As special prosecutor, Butch joins the hunt for the double murderers, finding himself in conflict with his own Jewish heritage and the realization that
… read more...Marlene's case is inextricably linked to his own. As tensions build and fear escalates, New York City becomes a powderkeg of twisted emotions in a case of kill or be killed. Gritty and gripping, Reckless Endangerment is searing suspense from an acknowledged master of the genre. ** -This is the tenth novel in Robert Tanenbaum's popular storyline featuring the popular Butch Karp and Marlene Ciampi. -Robert Tanenbaum has established himself as a master of suspense, and his presence in the marketplace continues to grow stronger with each new book. -The Signet mass market edition of Irresistible Impulse will carry a teaser chapter of Reckless Endangerment.Read More read less...