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Red Dwarf - Last Human Cassette
Somewhere along the line, he'd made a major mistake. Why else would he find himself on a prison ship bound for Cyberia, the most inhospitable penal colony in Deep Space -- sentenced to eighteen years Hard Thought. Dave Lister -- the Last Human The future of the species is in the hands of one man. And all he has to help him are his wits, his cunning, and a two page girdle section from a mail order catalogue.Read More
from£22.66 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0007105657
- 9780007105656
- Doug Naylor
- 21 August 2000
- HarperCollins
- Audio Cassette (Cassette)
- Unabridged edition
- Audiobook, Unabridged
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