Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico Book

This landmark study examines the challenges Mexico faces in reforming the administration of its justice system--a critical undertaking for the consolidation of democracy, the well-being of Mexican citizens, and U.S.-Mexican relations. The result of over four years of research from the Project on Reforming the Administration of Justice in Mexico, this bi-national collaborative initiative brought together U.S. and Mexican scholars, policy makers, law enforcement officials, lawyers, activists, and other experts to analyze diverse topics in the administration of justice. The outcome of the study presents for the first time an up-to-date analysis of the functioning and imperfections of the Mexican justice system. The contributors cover five key themes in Mexican justice reform: crime and criminology, policing and police reform, legal actors and judicial reform, civic mobilization and oversight in the justice system, and practical policy recommendations for future improvement of the justice system. In addition, they present new sources of empirical data, useful case studies evaluating state and local level challenges, and analyses of best practices. "This book will interest academics and policy makers concerned with the sorry state of the administration of justice in Latin America at large, and Mexico more specifically. The chapters leave almost no controversial issues surrounding the justice system untouched. From diverse legal, criminal, social, and political perspectives the justice system is held under scrutiny and found to be wanting. The end result is a number of well-thought-out suggested solutions to a long-standing problem." --Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, McMaster UniversityRead More

from£N/A | RRP: £33.50
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