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Remember Everything You Read Book
Now you can join the millions of people of all ages who have reaped the rewards of the famous Evelyn Wood Speed Reading and Learning Program. All the secrets of this amazing system are now available to you in this book. Find out how you can:Read 50% faster in only an hourDouble your reading speed in a weekSoar beyond -- to read an amazing 1,200 to 3,000 words per minute -- and remember everything you read!DISCOVER THE SPEED-READING PATH TO POWER AND SUCCESSIn just a few lessons, the proven techniques of this dynamic learning system will unlock the natural power of your mind, opening the door to new realms of intellectual power and potential success.THERE'S NO LIMIT TO WHAT YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH!Read More
from£8.08 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.33
- 0380715775
- 9780380715770
- Stanley D. Frank
- 1 May 1992
- HarperCollins Design International
- Mass Market Paperback (Book)
- 224
- Reprint
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