Respiratory Infections (A Hodder Arnold Publication) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Respiratory Infections (A Hodder Arnold Publication) Book

The aim of the volume is to provide an authoritative and international treatise bringing together current knowledge in the field of respiratory infection. The book will be organised by presentation rather than causative organism, a differentiating feature from the existing competition, and will be divided into four parts -- 'General Issues', 'Community-acquired Infections', 'Nosocomial Infections' and 'Respiratory Infection in Immunocompromised Patients'. Each chapter will conclude with a summary highlighting practical 'take-home' messages regarding patient management for the reader. It will be highly illustrated, including colour plates where appropriate. The principal market will be pulmonologists with a specialist interest in this area and infectious disease specialists, but that the read more...
from£195.75 | RRP: £140.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £102.83
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