Restore: The first book from The Repair Shop’s woodworking expert Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Restore: The first book from The Repair Shop’s woodworking expert Book

Caring for the items you love around the home is easier - and more rewarding - than you think. In his first book, The Repair Shop's resident woodworking expert Will Kirk takes you on an inspirational tour of the elements of wood care and restoration, from basic principles and quick fixes around the home to larger projects. Restore shows you how simple and joyful wood care can be, from fixing knicks and stains and making small repairs, to household items you can use to help care for your furniture and other wooden objects. Restore teaches us how to save pieces of furniture from the scrap heap and appreciate the craftsmanship behind the objects we use every day. Encouraging us all to slow down and appreciate the beauty of woodcraft through accessible projects - which anyone can start working on at home!Read More

from£20.16 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £23.87
  • 1785948636
  • 9781785948633
  • Kirk, Will
  • 18 July 2024
  • BBC Books
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 224
  • Book
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