Revise GCSE World History: 1870 - Present Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Revise GCSE World History: 1870 - Present Book

Intended for achieving examination success, this series replaces the former "GCSE Study Guides". This book which are part of the new "Revise GCSE" series offers complete study and reference support for the History (1870-present) GCSE course as well as being a revision guide for the History (1870-present) GCSE examinations and Scottish Standard Grade. It provides a breakdown of the syllabuses and exam structure for every exam board, advice on studying, revising, coursework and exams, topic-by-topic coverage, clearly presented with many examples and diagrams, quick tests for every topic to check progress, and a bank of recent GCSE exam questions with answers to fine-tune exam techniques.Read More

from£13.48 | RRP: £9.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.89
  • 1858054443
  • 9781858054445
  • Peter Lane, Christopher Lane
  • 16 July 1999
  • Letts Educational
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 240
  • New ed of 2 Revised ed
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