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Risk Analysis for Large Projects: Models, Methods and Cases Book
Recent decades have been characterised by a vast proliferation of risk. The real scale of projects and investment programmes has expanded dramatically, increasingly intractable resources have been developed, and economic instability in growth rates and prices has become endemic. Within this uncertain and volatile environment the need for risk analysis of potential projects and investments has increased. "Risk Analysis for Large Projects" considers what risk analysis is, the nature of the risk engineering approach to risk analysis, where risk analysis might be necessary and some of the benefits which arise from its use. Risk is evaluated through both models and case studies.Read More
from£195.75 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.12
- 0471912476
- 9780471912477
- Dale F. Cooper, Chris Chapman
- 8 April 1987
- John Wiley & Sons
- Hardcover (Book)
- 268
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