Sam and the Tigers: A New Telling of Little Black Sambo (Picture Puffin Books) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Sam and the Tigers: A New Telling of Little Black Sambo (Picture Puffin Books) Book

In the original story by Helen Bannerman, Little Black Sambo must tread carefully, lest his clothes be stolen from him by a gang of tigers. Today, it is the teller of the tale who must tread carefully, lest the forces of political correctness attack, charging racism. Because of the names she chose for her characters, the book has become a symbol of intolerance in the century since it was written. Strip away race, however, and the tale underneath is both simple and affecting. To make it more palatable to modern readers, Julius Lester has recast the tale in a "Southern black storytelling voice." Read More
from£N/A | RRP: £4.74
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