Saucer Fleet: The Amazing Sequel to the + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Saucer Fleet: The Amazing Sequel to the "Spaceship Handbook": Spaceship Handbook v. 2 Book

Includes five of your favourite saucer movies two TV shows a comic strip and a Disney ride. This book contains backgrounds and production histories plot synopses and detailed analyses of the hardware. It offers a look at real flying saucers created right on Earth.Read More

from£44.53 | RRP: £32.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £45.48
  • Blackwell

    An ideal companion for any sci-fi fan, space buff, or alien aficionado, this movie guidebook discusses six of the most famous and significant science fiction films ever produced. Each film's backstory and production histories along with plot...

  • 1894959701
  • 9781894959704
  • Jack Hagerty, Jon C. Rogers
  • 15 November 2007
  • Apogee Books
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 328
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