Favorable Reviews for: Lily B. on the Brink of Cool"A pitch-perfect tween/teen vibe. Kimmel has it in spades."--Publishers Weekly"An entertaining novel that middle-school girls will pass to their friends."--Children's Literarture "A delightful heroine, sweeter than predecessors Georgia Nicholson and Adrian Mole-and hilarious."--KirkusFavorable Reviews for: Lily B. on the Brink of Love"As witty and precocious as in the first book. . . . Lily's journal entries and advice columns, and her continued growth in learning to judge the character of would-be friends, deliver laughs and substance."--School Library Journal"This exuberant comedy of middle-school Love at First Sight will capture and delight its target audience. . . . Funny and full of great language. "--Children's Literature
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