Secrets of Successful Speakers: How You Can Motivate, Captivate and Persuade Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Secrets of Successful Speakers: How You Can Motivate, Captivate and Persuade Book

How do highly paid professional speakers put magic and motivation into every talk? Lilly Walters, Executive Director of Walters International Speakers Bureau, reveals their secrets and strategies in this practical, conversational guide. Mark Twain reputedly said it took him three weeks to prepare an impromptu speech, but readers of Secrets of Successful Speakers will do it in days-or minutes. This book spells out the rules in 11 easy-to-follow steps, each accompanied by interactive exercises. Readers will learn to: set objectives before writing; customize the talk for each audience; conquer stage fright; cultivate a reputation as an expert; develop themes for each presentation; organize material in memorable manner; edit for best effect; project a professional "platform image" through read more...
from£N/A | RRP: £21.99
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