Secrets of the Superyoung: The Scientific Reasons Some People Look Ten Years Younger Than They Really Are and How You Can, Too Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Secrets of the Superyoung: The Scientific Reasons Some People Look Ten Years Younger Than They Really Are and How You Can, Too Book

The perpetually young are different from you and me, suggests Dr. Weeks. Yes, you may be tempted to reply, they're luckier. And, indeed, in reporting on his extensive studies of why some people appear many years younger than their chronological age, Dr. Weeks does note that it helps to have the right genetics (choose your parents wisely, in other words). But there's more to it than that: People whose age is routinely underestimated by a decade or more also tend to make different lifestyle choices (more exercise and adventure, more sleep, less television), reproduce less (about 15 percent remain childless), and cope better with stressful life events. Surprisingly, Dr. Weeks didn't find that the eternally youthful were teetotalers or ascetics. Yes, a somewhat large percentage were vegetarians, and just 1 in 20 smoked, but he also found hard drinkers and major meat eaters among his "superyoung." He also found somewhat goofy distinctions. For example, being shorter makes people assume you're younger than you are (time to get rid of those elevator shoes). There's a lot of advice you can follow here regarding health and fitness (improve your posture and you decrease your apparent age) and style (it helps to have some). And Dr. Weeks isn't afraid to say there are disadvantages to appearing a lot younger than you are: People take you less seriously in many professions, and there's a distinct chance you'll embarrass your children by appearing to be one of them rather than one of their progenitors. If those are tradeoffs you can live with, then this is the book for you.Read More

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  • Product Description

    You're at your twenty-fifth high school reunion and, of course, almost everyone looks older, rounder, and a bit wrinkled. But there are a few enviable exceptions who are smooth-skinned, lithe, and energetic. Who are those people? Why do they look and feel so much younger? And, most important, what are they doing that you're not?
    According to Dr. David Weeks, who draws from eighteen years of scientific research, these men and women are the "superyoung"--people who, on average, appear ten or more years younger than their actual age. In addition to looking youthful, these extraordinary people share a host of similar characteristics, including keen minds, better sex lives, and more energy.
    More than just a study of this desirable group, Secrets of the Superyoung offers prescriptive lessons--such as tips on how to improve your mem-ory, diet, and fitness program--so that you can reduce the signs of aging with a healthier mind and body. Filled with case studies, quizzes, and exclusive interviews with superyoungAre you superyoung?

    ¸ Do you look ten years younger than your age?
    ¸ Do you feel many years younger than your age?
    ¸ Is your memory strong and reliable?
    ¸ Do you sleep well?
    ¸ Do you have an active and fulfilling sex life?
    ¸ Are your skin and hair vital and healthy?
    ¸ Are you in good athletic shape?
    ¸ Are you, for the most part, happy and contented?

    From the authors of Eccentrics comes a study of age-defying people the world over, with lessons on ways to look and feel younger than your years without spending your life savings on cosmetic surgery, anti-wrinkle creams, a personal home gym, or a guru. In Secrets of the Superyoung, Dr. David Weeks, founder of the world-renowned Super-young Project--an eighteen-year-long study of people who look and feel ten years younger than their chronological age--teaches us that while the superyoung are different from the rest of us, anyone can think, feel, and look younger. celebrities, Secrets of the Superyoung paves a clear footpath to staying younger in body and mind for everyone.

  • 0679456635
  • 9780679456636
  • David Joseph Weeks, Jamie James
  • 1 July 1998
  • Villard Books
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 304
  • 1st
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