Seeing Reason: Image and Language in Learning to Think (Oxford Cognitive Science Series) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Seeing Reason: Image and Language in Learning to Think (Oxford Cognitive Science Series) Book

Seeing Reason : Paperback : Oxford University Press : 9780198507741 : 0198507747 : 31 Oct 2002 : In an age of information glut, knowledge can be hard to come by. Full citizenship of the world requires that we learn to reason and communicate. So how do we do it? This book shares new insights into how people process information, and how we use that information to reason, make decisions, and develop theories about the world in which we live.Read More

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  • Product Description

    Seeing Reason is an interdisciplinary study of a central topic in cognitive science: how does the mind respond to different kinds of representation of the same information especially when learning, reasoning, and communicating. It uses philosophical, logical, linguistic, psychological, and educational methods to explore this topic, reporting theories, observations, and arguments developed during several years research. Though the focus is on fundamental cognitive theories of human capacities, the issues are closely related to intensely practical issues about the teaching and learning of reasoning and communication skills. Along the way it examines why the human mind has so evolved, the relationship between private language and public thought, and integrates cognitive and social accounts of communication.

  • 0198507747
  • 9780198507741
  • Keith Stenning
  • 22 August 2002
  • OUP Oxford
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 304
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