Seven Deadly Wonders Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Seven Deadly Wonders Book

Seven Deadly Wonders, 1 : Paperback : Simon & Schuster : 9781416505068 : 1416505067 : 26 Dec 2006 : The "New York Times"" bestselling author of ""Ice Station"" is back in high gear on the greatest treasure hunt of all time--a headlong race to find the seven wonders of the ancient world."Read More

from£9.99 | RRP: £5.40
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  • Amazon Review

    Mathew Reilly's 7 Deadly Wonders is a lot of things--fast-paced, clever, action-packed. But mostly it's perfect for a Jerry Bruckheimer treatment. The novel reads like a screenplay meets video game with one harrowing chase after another.

    The breakneck action stems from an Egyptian sun cult which has hidden pieces of the capstone to the great pyramid in the husks of the seven wonders of ancient world, leaving clues that would flummox Indiana Jones. Here's the deal: whichever nation can locate and assemble the capstone in time for a cosmic event designed to end life on Earth will rule the world. Enter a ragtag team of commandos representing non-superpowers (read, in a Da Vinci Code context, not the European Union, the United States or the Vatican) who stand to lose in this eventuality. The team pits itself in a race against the formidable forces of the western world, cosmic calendar, and traps set by ancient-wonder-hider, Imhotep V. Complete with Mario-Brothers-style drawings, the book lurches from one great escape/victory/defeat until its final climax atop Cheops' Pyramid. It's a thrilling ride, perfect to enliven a lazy vacation or long plane ride. The real question is: Brad Pitt or Matthew McConaughey?--Jeremy Pugh

  • Product Description


    A legend of the ancient world decrees that every 4,500 years, a terrible solar event will wreak worldwide destruction . . . but whoever sets the Golden Capstone atop the Great Pyramid at Giza will avert disaster and gain the ultimate prize: a millennium of world dominance.

    Now the Sun is turning once again and nation will battle nation to retrieve the missing Capstone . . . but a group of small nations, led by super-soldier Jack West Jr., bands together to prevent any one country from attaining this frightening power. Thus the greatest treasure hunt of all time begins -- an adrenalinefueled race on a global battlefield.

    From the Colossus of Rhodes to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to the Great Egyptian Pyramid itself, unlock the thrills of


  • 1416505067
  • 9781416505068
  • Matthew Reilly
  • 26 December 2006
  • Pocket Books
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 576
  • Reprint
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