Shadows in the Starlight (Changeling Detective Novel) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Shadows in the Starlight (Changeling Detective Novel) Book

Gwen -GiGi+ Gelman, a ten-year veteran of the Providence, Rhode Island vice squad, finds herself on the outs and unemployed after a bust goes bad, resulting in a bloodbath.GiGi, a foundling herself and used to being alone, scrapes together enough of a nest-egg to start her own PI business specializing in runaways and -family problems.+As the devilish Ian Forest attempts to awaken elements of her true heritage, GiGi becomes further enmeshed in the mystery of her own lineage. She is called upon to assist one of her least favorite people in the world, whose wife and son are missing and in danger. This fairly routine missing-persons case morphs into something much stranger involving narcotic substances, corruption, and homicide, all apparently under the shadow of the family empire GiGi may be read more...
from£24.28 | RRP: £17.99
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