Shareholders' Agreements (Commercial) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Shareholders' Agreements (Commercial) Book

Shareholders' Agreements (formerly Stedman: Shareholders' Agreements) is an in-depth and highly regarded treatment of the law governing shareholders, containing detailed guidance on the law in this area and practical advice on drafting agreements. The fourth edition has been extensively revised and restructured to take account of recent changes and ensure the text remains one of the most in-depth treatments of this important subject. * A key work covering all forms of shareholder agreement in one text * Incorporates major legislative developments in the area - including the Enterprise Act 2002, and the Companies Bill 2003 * New sections on Articles of Association, Financing and Partnerships * Now contains checklists covering the drafting of shareholder agreements * Wide, expanded range of read more...
from£60.75 | RRP: £45.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
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