She-Hulk Volume 2: Superhuman Law TPB Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

She-Hulk Volume 2: Superhuman Law TPB Book

As a superhuman lawyer, She-Hulk has tried some of the strangest cases on Earth... but all of that is about to change! Empowered by the Living Tribunal, Shulkie is heading into deep space to practice Universal Law! Guest-starring Adam Warlock, Gamora, and Pip the Troll! Plus: Out of all of She-Hulk's enemies, no one hates her more than Titania! So what's her beef? Where did all this hostility come from? What made little Skeeter MacPherran into the angry Amazon she is today? And what's about to make her one of the deadliest threats in the Marvel Universe? Special appearances by the Absorbing Man, Spider-Woman, and Doctor Doom! And finally, a major power boost has made She-Hulk stronger than ever - maybe even stronger than special guest-star Hercules! Feats of strength can wait, however, because this emerald enchantress is going to the books and relying on brains, not brawn, to get the Prince of Power out of some Herculean legal problems.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0785115706
  • 9780785115700
  • Dan Slott
  • 27 April 2005
  • Marvel Comics
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
  • illustrated edition
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