Shotokan Karate: In Search of Excellence Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Shotokan Karate: In Search of Excellence Book

Shotokan Karate is the most widely practiced style of karate in the world today. For most of its history it has been taught clandestinely, with past masters only entrusting their secrets to a select few pupils. This approach has changed dramatically over the last 75 years, with karate being exported throughout the world. This book looks at the fundamental principles and philosophy; the main striking, blocking, and kicking techniques; detailed instructions of moves with descriptions of the most common mistakes; and flexibility training and the physiology of stretching.Read More

from£17.97 | RRP: £16.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.92
  • 1861263902
  • 9781861263902
  • Ashley Croft
  • 26 February 2001
  • The Crowood Press Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 239
  • illustrated edition
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