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Shy Boy: The Horse That Came in from the Wild Cassette
Monty Roberts is the cowboy who single-handedly revolutionised the way humans 'break in' wild horses. The best-selling The Man Who Listens to Horses told how Roberts was brought up on a ranch by a brutal father who used horrendous methods to tame both his horses and his children. As a young man, Roberts watched these horses in the wild and quite literally learned their language, how they communicated with each other and how he, by copying, could communicate with them and thus earn their trust to the point of saddling up and riding them. He tried to tell people but was universally ridiculed. Shy Boy takes us fifty years on to the plains of the high Nevada desert where, under the scrutiny of a BBC documentary team, he builds a relationship with a feral Mustang over the course of three days, demonstrating his amazing technique of 'join-up' by emulating the actions of the matriarch of the herd. This is a very personal and affecting book packed with over fifty exquisite colour photos documenting Roberts' progress with Shy Boy. That old-hands still doubt his discovery is astounding. Here is proof, if proof be needed, that the man--he would argue anyone--can tame the wildest of horses without the slightest hint of force. Inspirational. --Jim RickardsRead More
from£14.83 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £5.03
- 0001055844
- 9780001055841
- Monty Roberts
- 15 March 1999
- HarperCollins
- Audio Cassette (Cassette)
- Abridged edition
- Abridged, Audiobook
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