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Side-by-Side French and English Grammar (Language - French) Book
The efficient, at-a-glance format of this handy reference places explanations of the essential elements of French grammar alongside their English-language equivalents. The lessons in Side by Side French & English Grammar clearly explain functions and uses of the different parts of speech and include abundant examples. Because the vocabulary is limited to frequently used words, you can concentrate more on a sentence's structure instead of becoming tangled in its meaning. A "Quick Check" section that summarizes main ideas in each section and helps you retain the most important information.Read More
from£9.43 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.05
- 0844212245
- 9780844212241
- Edith R. Farrell, C.Frederick Farrell
- 1 November 1994
- McGraw-Hill Contemporary
- Paperback (Book)
- 124
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