Six SIgma for Transactions and Service (Six Sigma Operational Methods) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Six SIgma for Transactions and Service (Six Sigma Operational Methods) Book

Parveen S. Goel, Rajeev Jain, Praveen GuptaRead More

from£70.14 | RRP: £53.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £37.23
  • Product Description

    Many of the Six Sigma methods successfully used in manufacturing are now being utilized in the transactional and service sectors. However, business-specific issues such as customer billing, order processing, and call center management require a modified set of problem-solving and analytical tools. This resource addresses those differences and provides a roadmap for impelementing "customer-centric" Six Sigma.

    Contents: Transactional Quality Benchmarks: Service Operations, Corporations and Industries * Service Performance Indicators * The Service Crisis * Transactional Six Sigma: Define and Develop, Measure and Trends, Analyze and Improve, Embed * Designing for Transactional Services: Actions of Service Design * Customer Driven Transactional Processes * Designing Transactional Processes * Optimize the Service Design to Ensure a Robust Service Package * Transactional Business * Human Capital * Implementing TSS, Six Sigma in Transactional Processes

  • 0071443304
  • 9780071443302
  • Parveen S. Goel, Praveen Gupta
  • 1 January 2005
  • McGraw-Hill Professional
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 558
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