Know where you need to be. Making positive steps to ensure you know where your business is heading, and feeling confident that your firm is generating as high a return as possible, are vital in today's business climate. However, putting this theory into practice can be a daunting prospect. Small Business Survival has been specifically designed to show you how to look at your company afresh and make sure that the profits you achieve reflect the objective worth of your organisation. In a concise and logical fashion, Roger Bennett gives practical advice on how to revitalise your organisation, providing: * a framework for assessing your business and diagnosing the causes of its weaknesses * positive strategies for diversifying, advertising, repositioning products and segmenting markets *
… read more...techniques for collecting debts quickly and effectively, cutting costs and rationalising your workforce. Each chapter covers a different topic and has a coherent, easy-to-follow structure. Furthermore, frequent checklists enable you to assess objectively your firm's situation within each subject area and decide what action should be taken. Don't sit back. Ensure your aims and policies are constantly in line with today's ever changing markets.Read More read less...