Soccer Squad: Glory! Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Soccer Squad: Glory! Book

Dal, Chris, Abs and Jason have made the squad for the local youth club under-lls football team. And after their first match, they are determined to prove that they've got what it takes to be winners. Chris is a striker - but can he put the ball in the back of the net when Rushton Reds meet Evington Eagles, their chief rivals, in a big Cup game?Read More

from£5.89 | RRP: £4.99
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  • BookDepository

    Soccer Squad: Glory! : Paperback : Penguin Random House Children's UK : 9781862306561 : 1862306567 : 05 Mar 2009 : Dal, Chris, Abs and Jason have made the squad for the local youth club under-lls football team. And after their first match, they are determined to prove that they've got what it takes to be winners. Chris is a striker - but can he put the ball in the back of the net when Rushton Reds meet Evington Eagles, their chief rivals, in a big Cup game?

  • ASDA

    Dal Chris Abs and Jason have made the squad for the local youth club under-lls football team. And after their first match they are determined to prove that they've got what it takes to be winners. Chris is a striker - but can he put the ball in the back of the net when Rushton Reds meet Evington Eagles their chief rivals in a big Cup game?

  • 1862306567
  • 9781862306561
  • Bali Rai
  • 5 March 2009
  • Red Fox
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 112
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