The captivating story of a contemporary American family, in which three generations of women confront the intricacies of memory, geography, and motherhood, from the lauded author of Lydia Cassatt Reading the Morning Paper As Hannah Pearl?s memories of her 1940 escape to England from war-torn France come to the foreground of her consciousness, her memory of her more recent American life, including her relationships with her daughter and granddaughters, is almost erased. Her daughter, Miranda, attempts to bring her mother into the present and the daily activities of family life, yet finds herself instead pulled into Hannah?s unresolved past. Miranda?s daughters confront the shadows of history in their own ways. Fiona, content with her life as a new mother, tries to ignore
… read more...the ghostly presence of Hannah?s family, who perished in the war, while Ida clings to Hannah?s revelations as if they form a lifeline. Facing the mystery of Hannah?s unspoken memories of grief, each woman must ask how well anyone can know the inner life of another person, even of someone one cherishes.Read More read less...