Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream (Gonzo Papers Vol 3) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Songs of the Doomed: More Notes on the Death of the American Dream (Gonzo Papers Vol 3) Book

I was thinking; my mind was running at top speed, scanning and sorting my options. They ranged all the way from Dumb and Dangerous to Crazy, Evil, and utterly wrong from the start ...stand back. We are on the brink. Yes. I have an idea.' When Hunter S. Thompson has an idea, you just have to listen -- and he shares many of his unique ideas in this collection of journalism, social commentary, short fiction and autobiography. Divided into sections by decade, Songs of the Doomed begins with a furious condemnation of the US justice system and ends with the author's own version of the events that led to his extraordinary court case. Stopping off at the infamous summit conference in Elko, Illinois; Saigon in 1975 (the war zone Thompson was fired while en route to); and Palm Beach in the eighties read more...
from£5.88 | RRP: £8.99
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