Spares Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Spares Book

Spares - human clones, the ultimate health insurance. An eye for an eye - but some people are doing all the taking. The story of Jack Randall: burnt-out, dropped out, and way overdrawn at the luck bank. But as caretaker on a Spares Farm, he still has a choice, and it might make a difference.Read More

from£8.89 | RRP: £7.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.24
  • TheBookPeople

    Talking fridges, human clone farms, flying shopping malls -- we must be in the Michael Marshall Smith zone. A world all too close to our own! Spares -- human clones, the ultimate health insurance. An eye for an eye -- but some people are doing all the taking. Spares -- the story of Jack Randall: burnt-out, dropped out, and way overdrawn at the luck bank. But as caretaker on a Spares Farm, he still has a choice, and it might make a difference!if he can run fast enough. Spares -- a breathless race through strange, disturbing territories in a world all too close to our own. Spares -- it's fiction. But only just!

  • BookDepository

    Spares : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers : 9780006512677 : 0006512674 : 02 Nov 1998 : Talking fridges, human clone farms, flying shopping malls - we must be in the Michael Marshall Smith zone. A world all too close to our own...

  • ASDA

    Talking fridges human clone farms flying shopping malls -- we must be in the Michael Marshall Smith zone. A world all too close to our own!

  • 0006512674
  • 9780006512677
  • Michael Marshall Smith
  • 2 November 1998
  • HarperCollins
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 336
  • (Reissue)
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