When the people who are with us approach death there is a sense of awe, of expectancy, the solemnity of a great moment approaching. A sacred moment. In confronting the business of dying, which all of us have to face, we are not talking about turning our backs on life, we are daring to be led into the very heart of living. How we face up to dying-our own dying, other people's dying, the agony of bereavement-will tell us much about ourselves. The sacred territory of death is a place which asks uestions of us. Is it hard for me to be honest? Is it frightening to find myself in a situation of intimacy with someone? How do I feel about deep helplessness-the moments when I can do nothing, say nothing, only be with someone? Many people are unaware how much they have to
… read more...offer spiritually. This book is an encouragementto everyone to grow in confidence as a companion to people who are dying and bereaved, looking honestly at the questions real people ask, to offer a theological reflection onthe kind of God those questions reveal. This book is a fresh, orignal, and honest look at the spiritual care of dying and bereaved people, and Penelope Wilcox brings depth of experience and clarity pf expression which enrich and inspire.Read More read less...