Spot the Book Title: A Collection of Cryptic Nonsense and Pointless Hidden Meanings Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Spot the Book Title: A Collection of Cryptic Nonsense and Pointless Hidden Meanings Book

This book contains picture puzzles which the reader must unravel to reveal book titles. To accompany these puzzles there is a selection of Drew's other pointless pictures accompanied by truly agonising verse.Read More

from£10.12 | RRP: £7.50
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.73
  • Blackwell

    Simon Drew's latest offering is a collection of nonsensical puxxles. This is a book to exasperate and annoy: the only way to solve the puzzle drawings is either to start with a warped mind or put yourself through such gymnastic mental contortions...

  • 1851493565
  • 9781851493562
  • Simon Drew
  • 1 January 1999
  • Antique Collectors' Club Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 48
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