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Spreadsheets for Geotechnical Engineering Book
Foundation engineering naturally lends itself to spreadsheet use for evaluation, modification, and implementation of foundation designs. Spreadsheets are the computational tool of choice for practicing civil engineers. Students need a book which shows how to set up and use spreadsheets for foundation design analysis, and which bridges the gap between analysis techniques taught in the classroom and their real-world application in the field. Wolff is the first book to present the use of spreadsheets in foundation engineering. Wolff makes extensive reference to Das: FOUNDATION ENGINEERING 3/e to demonstrate how the spreadsheet templates on the bound-in disk may be used or modified to solve a variety of analysis problems. Wolff provides a vehicle for including much-needed hands-on design experience and computer usage in the foundation engineering course.Read More
from£72.96 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £33.71
- 0534934412
- 9780534934415
- Thomas F. Wolff
- 23 March 1995
- Nelson Engineering
- Paperback (Book)
- 305
- 3rd Revised edition
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