Starring Alex - As the Girl with the Voice of an Angel: (Who Can be a Little Devil Too) (After School Club) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Starring Alex - As the Girl with the Voice of an Angel: (Who Can be a Little Devil Too) (After School Club) Book

Alex has two sides to her personality - at home and in class she's so quiet you wouldn't know she was there. It's only when she gets to the After School Club that her mean streak starts to show itself. And when her mum, an assistant at the club, has to amend some contact details, Alex doesn't think they'll be any harm in switching round a few of the emergency phone numbers...This is part of a major new series which is being launched in with two titles in June 2003. This is the third in the series, with one more following in November. The Government's aim is that by 2003 out of school places for 865,000 children will have been created, with the number of After School Clubs set to be around 20,000. Helena Pielichaty is a popular and hard-working author with an enthusiastic following and growing number of fans. She has also written three Simone titles for this age range, which have currently sold over 40,000 copies in the UK alone. "Simone's Letters" was nominated for the Carnegie Medal and "Simone's Diary" was chosen as a World Book Day recommended read.Read More

from£6.73 | RRP: £4.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.34
  • 0192752499
  • 9780192752499
  • Helena Pielichaty
  • 4 September 2003
  • Oxford University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
  • Illustrated
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