Statistical Analysis in Climate Research Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Statistical Analysis in Climate Research Book

The purpose of this book is to help the climatologist understand the basic precepts of the statistician's art and to provide some of the background needed to apply statistical methodology correctly and usefully. The book is self contained...Read More

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  • Foyles

    Self-contained, comprehensive book describing powerful tools in mathematical statistics that are used widely in climatological research.

  • Book Description

    Climatology is, to a large degree, the study of the statistics of our climate. The powerful tools of mathematical statistics therefore find wide application in climatological research. The purpose of this comprehensive book is to help the climatologist understand the basic precepts of the statistician's art and to provide some of the background needed to apply statistical methodology correctly and usefully. Suitable for graduate courses on statistics for climatic, atmospheric and oceanic science, this book will also be valuable as a reference source for researchers in climatology, meteorology, atmospheric science, and oceanography.

  • 0521012309
  • 9780521012300
  • Hans von Storch, Francis W. Zwiers
  • 21 February 2002
  • Cambridge University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 496
  • 1st Pbk. Ed. (with Corrections)
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