Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation (Focal Press Visual Effects and Animation) Book

To make great animation, you need to know how to control a whole world: how to make a character, how to make that character live and be happy or sad. You need to create four walls around them, a landscape, the sun and moon - a whole life for them. This book provides practical introduction to the craft skills of model animation.Read More

from£28.33 | RRP: £20.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £21.98
  • Blackwell

    Classic stop-motion animation using puppets and figures is having a resurgence and is being used in shows like Cartoon Network's Robot Chicken. Shaw's bestselling and most accessible guide to creating and animating puppets is now fully updated.

  • 0240520556
  • 9780240520551
  • Susannah Shaw
  • 3 April 2008
  • Focal Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 264
  • 2
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