Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness Book

The second revised edition of YOU CAN FEEL GOOD AGAIN: GOOD NEWS ABOUT DEPRESSION, this volume offers short term common sense methods to combat depression and let go of negativity.Read More

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    Revolutionary in its simplicity and accessible to all this bestselling book offers commonsense methods that allow you to let go of depression and tap into natural joy. In this indispensable handbook Richard Carlson demonstrates how we can change everything in our lives - earn more money meet new friends get a new job - yet still feel dissatisfied. Happiness he says is not 'out there' but within a state of mind that is independent of circumstance: 'If you begin to see that your thoughts are not the real thing - they're just thoughts and as thoughts they can't hurt you - your entire life will begin to change today.' Carlson's step-by-step guide explains: * How your thoughts determine how you feel. * Why thinking about problems only makes them worse. * That thoughts come and go - you are free to choose at any moment which to hold on to and which to let go. * Straightforward methods for conquering depression. * How to dismiss negative thoughts and discover inner contentment. * How to overcome lifelong pessimism and start really living.

  • BookDepository

    Stop Thinking, Start Living : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers : 9780722535479 : : 01 Dec 1997 : Revolutionary in its simplicity and accessible to all, this bestselling book offers commonsense methods that allow you to let go of depression and tap into natural joy.

  • 0722535473
  • 9780722535479
  • Richard Carlson
  • 17 March 2003
  • Element
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 192
  • New
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