Storm and Conquest: The Clash of Empires in the Eastern Seas, 1809 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Storm and Conquest: The Clash of Empires in the Eastern Seas, 1809 Book

This is history, not fiction; but the story is pure Patrick Oâ??Brian, with special effects out of The Perfect Storm. The Indian Ocean was the final battleground for Nelsonâ??s navy and France. At stake was Britainâ??s commercial lifeline to Indiaâ??and its strategic capacity to wage war in Europe. In one fatal season, the natural order of maritime power since Trafalgar was destroyed. In bringing home Bengali saltpeter for the Peninsular campaign with military and civilian passengers, Britain lost fourteen of her great Indiamen, either sunk or taken by enemy frigates. Many hundreds of lives were lost, and the East India Company was shaken to its foundations. The focus of these disasters, military and meteorological, was a tiny French outpost in mid-read more...
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