Storms and Hurricanes: 1 (Beginners) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Storms and Hurricanes: 1 (Beginners) Book

Budding meteorologists will love this new addition to the popular Beginners series, providing an exciting introduction to all kinds of storms, from blizzards, hailstorms and thunderstorms to tornadoes and hurricanes. Includes striking colour photographs of storms in action and step-by-step illustrations to engage young readers. Developed with a reading expert from Roehampton University to help young readers grow in confidence.Read More

from£3.99 | RRP: £
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.73
  • BookDepository

    Storms and Hurricanes : Hardback : Usborne Publishing Ltd : 9781409544883 : : 01 Nov 2012 : Budding meteorologists will love this new addition to the popular Beginners series, providing an exciting introduction to all kinds of storms, from blizzards, hailstorms and thunderstorms to tornadoes and hurricanes. Includes striking colour photographs of storms in action and step-by-step illustrations to engage young readers.

  • Foyles

    What makes thunder and lightning, and why do hurricanes do so much damage? This book lays out the answers and much more, using photographs, clear step-by-step illustrations and simple text.

  • 1409544885
  • 9781409544883
  • , Weston, Paul
  • 1 November 2012
  • Usborne Publishing Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 32
  • UK
  • Book
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