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Strategic Issues Management: Organizations and Public Policy Challenges (SAGE Series in Public Relations) Book
Written to position issues management in the strategic planning and management efforts by staff and executives, the author of this volume argues that issues management is not one of many communication functions, but a management function that can entail use of public policy resources to achieve harmony with key publics. Issues management is vital to organizations' strategic management. It entails understanding and achieving high standards of corporate responsibility by listening to and acknowledging the soundness of key publics' opinions. The book explores the communication options that organizations can employ in their stewardship to address crucial public policy options and engage in collaborative decision making. Thus, issues management is featured as supporting strategic management, engaging in tough and smart defense and monitoring opinion changes that affect public policy. In addition to these crucial topics, the book examines crisis response to advise managers on ways to lessen the chance that a crisis will become an issue.Read More
from£43.32 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.87
- 0803970358
- 9780803970359
- Dr. Robert L. Heath
- 10 September 1997
- Sage Publications, Inc
- Paperback (Book)
- 424
- 2nd edition
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